Studies and Development Center (SDC), is a CSO established in 2005. Starting from 15 January 2024, the organization has started the implementation of the project “Building Bridges: Bridging the Gap in Employment Rights through Youth and CSO Engagement (BB-YCSE), with an implementation period of 36 months.
The overall objective of the project is to improve Youth, CSOs, and local authorities’ capacities to integrate programs/approaches and activities in social labour rights in their agenda and strengthen governmental and civil society efforts related to inclusion of vulnerable youth to promoting human rights on employment.
The specific objectives (SOs) of the project are as follows:
SO1: Increased knowledge and information on situation of young people and capacities of CSOs with regard to the main challenges on human rights particularly the social labour rights;
SO2: Increased awareness of CSOs, local youth organizations, government and private business in 10 municipalities on social labour rights.
SO3: Enable environment for CSOs and Young people (male and female) especially in rural areas and from poor marginalized/disadvantages communities to benefit from direct actions in support of promotion and implementing social labour rights.
1. Background, objectives, and scope of the expertise
This is a call for expression of interest 2 (two) experts (one legal and one social expert) Studies research on labour rights – Development questionaries’’, – Analized, reports, recommendation – “Fiche/guide on labour rights for youth”.
– Requirement of the legal expert
Qualifications and skills
• University degree in law.
• English language skills
General Work Experience indicating the required qualification as the following
• Minimum 5 years in relevant experience as legal expert in human rights area;
Specific Work Experience indicating the required qualification as the following:
• At least 3 years of work experience relevant to the assignment as legal expert in labour rights areas.
– Requirement of the social expert
Qualifications and skills
• University degree in social sciences.
• English language skills
General Work Experience indicating the required qualification as the following
• Minimum 5 years in relevant experience as social expert in human rights area;
Specific Work Experience indicating the required qualification as the following:
• At least 3 years of work experience relevant to the assignment as social expert in labour rights areas.
4. Submission of the documents
The deadline for submission of the documents is March 27th, 2024.
Qualified candidates should submit the following documents to the e-mail address:
An expression of interest to provide the required service,
CV highlighting the expertise related to this call of request.
Being included in the database does not imply the obligation of SDC to engage any expert or to establish any contractual relationship between SDC and them.